Friday, September 28, 2007

Race Weekend 9/21 - 9/23

We had our 2nd camping weekend in Dover this past weekend amongst the many NASCAR fans and news crews for the Del State shooting! It was a beautiful weekend, one downpour that had us a bit worried but never fear, the hospitality tent sheltered us and kept us from going thirsty. All of the boys had a test run in the #24 (not our favorite) and Claire just kept an eye on all of the sponsor "girls" that were dressed as minimally as possible. The fly-overs were great and there were a couple of parachuters that flew right over our heads on Sunday.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Our new puppy...Gracie! She is a shepherd mix and is 11 weeks old.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

We went to our first Navy football game yesterday. What a game! They ended up losing in OT, but there were some spectacular runs on both sides. We were 11 rows back, right around the 50 yard line. Beautiful weather! Conner and Claire had a blast, getting to know the "That's another Navy First Down" chant that another fan did on every first down. He even let Conner wear his hat! The flyby was pretty neat, especially since they were playing the songs from Top Gun before we saw the F-18s, then the Pilots came out for 1/2 time. It was pretty amazing to see all of the Midshipmen out there lined up on the field pre-game. The haze in the one photo is from the cannon which startled Claire the first couple of times they fired it. They fire that off every time Navy scores and of course, the Middies have to run out and do their push-ups each time as well! We're going to try to go to another game or two, of course we won't have such great seats, but it was a great way to spend the afternoon and evening! Now if only we could get tickets to Army/Navy on 12/1 @ Raven's Stadium in Baltimore...that would be a site to behold!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Jen's 07' Powder Puff.

This is Jennifer's Highschool cheerleaders playing powder puff, which is flag football!

They lost, but played good! =]

Conner and Claire had their first soccer games on Saturday. This was the first year Claire played, she scored her first goal! Conner is on the Under 12 team this year, much larger field and he scored as well! Expect more action photos as the season progresses!

Laura's Visit in August

Laura and her boys came in August for a visit. Grandpa and Sally were here for the first weekend that involved quite a bit of rain and some crabbing. Luckily the rain cleared enough for a quick dinner outside. We did a bit of fishing, tie-dying, road trips (Mt. Vernon & Arlington) and of course, more crabbing. The boys and Claire had a fun time in the pool even though the weather wasn't perfect. By the end of the week, the hazy hot humid days of an East Coast August were back in force. Conner and Claire sure had a great time with everyone and it was a wonderful last week of summer before school started!

Friday Night Braves Game

Jennifer, her friend jordan, Karyl, and I went to see the Braves on Friday night. The Braves won! They beat the Washington Nationals 7-1 and Chipper hit a home run for Jen! Good seats from the company on the 3rd base side. Towards the end of the game we went to check out the 755 Club. A nice facility with food & drink (like a Delta Crown Room, but you have to pay) and a great view from the upper deck in left field.

Some of Bill's fish caught in Oklahoma on Labor Day Weekend. Of course I left the camera in the truck and didn't get a picture of my big fish!

Conner and Claire @ Dunrovin' this past winter. I'll upload some more recent photos from summer crabbing tonight!