Sunday, November 25, 2007

Harper's Ferry, Antietam & Breaux Winery

Note the look of concentration

Holly and Haley relaxing on the sofa. We were all waiting for them to wake up!


Breaux Winery on Saturday. There is wine in the tube going up the side of the stainless steel container.

Our visit to Antietam. A cold and windy day, but beautiful views all around.

Burnside Bridge and the views from the Bridge

Outside the Visitor Center

Walking on Bloody Lane
The view of Bloody Lane from the top of the tower.
Monument to the Irish Brigade.
A view of the river from the footbridge in Harper's Ferry

The old canal

Swinging on the swing at a cabin

Waiting on the train.....

Our last camping trip of 2007! We ventured to Harper's Ferry WV with Grandpa. These are the cabins that would be great for a quick weekend, very bare bones, just heat and ac.

We spent early Thursday morning in downtown Harpers Ferry, hoping against hope that a CSX train would come roaring by. No such luck with the Holiday. There are several photos from the footbridge, the trees were glorious and the weather on Thursday was beautiful...until later that evening.

We visited Antietam on Friday, the windiest day of the weekend! Mimi & Poppy met us as well, bringing cousin Lisa along for the ride. Poppy and Conner wanted to walk Bloody Lane. We all ventured to the top of the Tower for a view of the surrounding country. A quick side trip to Burnside Bridge and we were off to the campground. The boys got their wish as a train was coming which meant jumping out of the trucks cameras at the ready!

On Saturday morning we hit a local winery Breaux Vineyards for a quick tour and some tasting of the reds.

Conner did his bit with the ax, helping Dad split some wood for our much needed fires while Claire just relaxed and tried to stay warm!

A great weekend!

Monday, November 12, 2007


We survived our first trip to Disney. Both Conner and Claire managed to get quite a few signatures from the traditional characters as well as the many Princesses. Conner rode on his first upside down coaster, the Rockin' Roller Coaster (first photo from after the ride), while Claire enjoyed the more tame rides. Claire experienced the Bippity Bobbity Boutique for hair, nails and makeup before dinner in the Castle. Both enjoyed a bit of face painting. We went trick or treating on 10/31 and the highlight of the parade was the Headless Horseman riding through Magic Kingdom. Wonderful weather, 70's with low humidity and a few showers. We're already looking forward to our next trip!