Friday, February 29, 2008

Keith on Fox News 6 on 2/29/08

We have a celebrity in the family! The attached link is for a news bit that Laura asked me to post online on the Boy Scouts in Balboa Park this morning. You have to watch a bit before Keith is "on" but then we can watch him go to work. Keith (on the right side of the anchor) has to help put a sling on the news anchor in this bit, then has to fashion a stretcher to carry him to safety after an injury. I'm thinking they could have picked a smaller anchor for this segment!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Wintery greetings - Woodstock, GA

Hi from Aunt Dori -
I've enjoyed all your news & photos - Thanks!

my grandson Cory - age 3+ Dec '07

Snow - Jan '08

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Update from the West Coast

Hi-everyone- we have been having fun out here.

Superbowl Sunday I got up early and ran in the Xterra 15k trail run. Not exactly sunny San Diego weather. It poured and was in the low 50's but it was great. Slip sliding in the mud. The boys were jealous. I am trying to train for a half marathon...we will see.

Next up- camping. Keith and I went to Anza Borrego Desert with the Boy Scouts. He had to finish his wilderness survival badge and sleep under his self made shelter. He is the blob under the sweaty rain poncho. I can't believe it is okay to do this to your kid??? It was cold and windy. Not in my tent, but for the boys.

We hiked through the mud caves or "washes" that are created from the rain run-off. They are dark and dusty but fun with 19 boys!

The drive home back over the mountains was fun. There was a ton of snow from the wild storm we had on Valentines day.

It is hard to believe that Cliff is getting so much bigger. Soon he will not fit on my lap.
We have fun with him as you can see.

Fun at the beach below and on the left the begining of a long hike to Iron Mountain- the hill on the right.

Deep sleep after playing hard at the beach.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Skiing - Canaan Resort in WV

We went skiing with some friends over the weekend. Conner and Claire did an outstanding job! After a bit of hesitation, both were off like shots from the ski lift. While Claire stayed on the tamer bunny slopes, Conner headed up to a nice long slope that had a bit more challenge to it. Bill and I realized we had some muscles that we hadn't used in quite a long time! In no time they'll both be out-skiing Bill and I! We stayed at a really nice State Park facility that had tons of deer that would have walked right into our room! The weather was great on Fri afternoon, a bit colder on Saturday and then came the snow. Sunday morning was a bit brisk to say the least with quite a windchill! We skiied half the day and then headed home. Everyone was exhausted and exhilarated at the same time!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

This is the team picture of the 2008 Reinhardt College Tennis Team. Melissa is on the front row second from the left.

Here is the Lady Eagles team home page: