Wednesday, May 20, 2009


A great day in Annapolis. The Blue Angels were in town for graduation. Bill and I grabbed Conner & Claire from school to enjoy another tasty lunch at the Annapolis Yacht Club. After dining on crab cakes, shrimp salads, sauteed chicken and of course the desserts, we wandered out to the deck for the show. Fat Albert got us all started and then the real show began. Lots of maneuvers this year and I don't think we've ever seen quite so many fleur de-lis! Always a great time and we couldn't have asked for a better day!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

New House in Wilmington, NC

The house is a 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath house with a wired shed (aka. mini garage for stuff now!) in the back.  We have a nice back porch and about 8/10ths of an acre.  A fence and a garage are already on the list!  We close in ATL on 6/4 and in Wilmington on 6/5.

Side yard and pad for the future garage.

Front Porch...our cool spot for cool drinks!!!!!

Lacrosse Pictures

Lacrosse season was great this year. Conner's team did really well, they lost only one time. He's really improved from last season. Claire played for the first time this year and she did well. Girls lacrosse is so different from the boys...Claire scored quite a number of times and Conner is sooooo close...maybe next year!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Spring Rock Fishing

Bill and Conner went out fishing on 5/11 with some friends. An early morning ride to the boat (5:00am) and hopefully a great day on the water. Imagine my surprise when Bill called around 10:00 to tell me that they were on their way back to the dock, full limit caught and what catches they were! I think that Conner, Alan, Ryan and Mike all had a great time. The Dad's had a blast as well I'm sure! Both of Conner's fish met or exceeded 41"! He said his arm was sore after hauling in the 2nd fish. What a way to spend the morning.....