Sunday, August 8, 2010

Alaska 2010

Headed to Copper City for King and Red Salmon

Headed to Seward for halibut, salmon, and sharks.

One of the many glaciers in Alaska

South of Anchorage...headed towards Turnagain Arm on the Seward Highway

Tide is out....way out!
The head waters of the Kenai...Kenai Lake.

Our catch from our charter out of Seward. Ken (green coat) landed the big one @ 130lbs!

This charter was all Alaska...4-6 foot rollers, wind, and sideways rain.
Halibut from the Cook big one like in Seward, but we all got our limit of two.
The largest here was about 30lbs.

Using the Sage 9wt for Red Salmon on the Upper one on but he got away.
Regardless it was a fun 5 minutes!

After a week of tents...we earned a free night in this awesome lodge in Seward for our last night in Alaska.

Sitting on our rental truck holding our nearly 500lbs of fish!
From Top to Bottom...Kyle (Ken's son), Josh (Kyle's friend), Me, and Ken.
This trip celebrated a pair of 21st and 50th birthdays.
You can figure out the rest....

Kenai Lake
more of Kenai Lake

One last look at Alaska from some flight level at 9:30pm!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

Playa 2010

Headed to Playa on 6/15 for 10 days. What a beautiful beach, condo, etc. Kids are having a blast. Water is warm and clear.

Fly Fishing with Phil

Grandpa gave Conner fly fishing lessons for his birthday. Bill took a day off of work and headed up to Gunpowder Falls for the day. Great time was had by all!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

First Wings......

Conner earned his first promotion w/Civil Air Patrol last week. First set of wings, will they be the first of many more???