Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sue and Pat

So Cathy, thanks for your patience in guiding me to utilize this blog site. the pictures have been wonderful and a grand way to experience what's happening in your life. The snowfall for one! Connor's successful "Big Game Hunt"! Such fun. Our spring bulbs are peeking out so we're hopeful for spring! plus the birds are singing their spring songs! Another good sign. We're off to Phoenix Wednesday --may it be sunny! and warm.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine Weekend Snowstorm in Wilmington

Even the beach areas are getting some snow this year! It started on Friday night and by the time it was over on Saturday morning we had about 4-6 of snow.


Our backyard converted into a Winter Wonder Land!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

2/10/2010 Snow Days

Ok, so we're officially getting dumped on here in Easton. Can't wait to see how many homes flood when all of this melts...if it ever does! Supposedly we're in for more snow this Sat and possibly mid week next week. No school until Tuesday. Thankfully we haven't lost power or the could get REAL ugly at that point. The boys are out riding around while Claire and I hang out in the toasty warm house.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Christmas Cruise 2009

As a surprise and treat for Christmas, we went on a cruise! Our 4-Day cruise departed from Port Canaveral and had ports of call in Freeport and then Nassau in the Bahamas. Melissa and Jennifer won $300 playing bingo and enjoyed some time with the ole' one arm bandit. Melissa even played some blackjack.

While in Nassau we went over to Atlantis and visited the shallow water experience to swim with the dolphins. The water was chilly, even with the spring suits on. Electra was our dolphin and she was 9 years old.

The weather was a bit chilly, but by the time we headed back to Port Canaveral the temps were nice and we had a nice time at the pool during our day at sea.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Ok, so we really did get dumped on here in Easton. The snow is so deep and the back roads are still unplowed, not sure what the school schedule will be this week and there is more snow predicted for Tuesday night! Having a ball playing in the snow with kids, dogs and friends.

Yes, Claire is really crawling on top of the snow and laying on top. The dogs have had a blast, Holly has a hard time finding her retriever dummy...could it be because it is white as well.. and Haley just doesn't have enough fur to keep her warm. There is a picture of a car on one of the side streets...can't really see the thing.

Trees are beautiful though!

Blizzard 2010