Sunday, April 20, 2008

Budweiser Clydesdales in Easton

Easton Volunteer Fire Dept celebrated 200 years over the weekend. Big parade, lots of local high school bands and someone with a ton of patience and perserverance (2 years in the requesting and planning), the Budweiser Clydesdales came to town as well. They were, of course, just beautiful! Mimi/Mom (Connie) has a friend who offered her quaint 37 acre waterfront farm for the horses to spend the weekend with. We were invited down this morning for a small presentation of hitching up, towing and unhitching of the wagon. We were given a background tour of the stable where Mark and Rudy were hanging out. I included a picture of Mark, he wasn't hitched up because he has a ton of growing to do, he is in fact quite small compared with the other boys! Rudy was much more interested in eating so pics of him were unexciting to include. The hitch horses were Greg (not Grandpa or Uncle), Stuart, Dillon, Don, Ben, Chip & Cole.

I'd be more than happy to travel the States with these boys and I wouldn't need any beer in the evenings! This particular team hailed from Miramac NH, they have been in several commercials and this team was in the commercial "Bow to New York City" after 9/11; it took them over 3 weeks to learn to bow. I can't remember the commercial but I've attached a link that you can view to refresh your memory.
In a few months they'll transfer to another state. A new puppy is on the way to join this team as the current pooch isn't very crowd friendly. Rumor has it he has bitten a few people the last couple of times he's been out.

1 comment:

Dori said...

Growing up in St. Louis we enjoyed the Clydesdales at Grants Farm - their home - many times. Brought back wonderful memories - thanks.
Thanks too for the link - the commercial is wonderful.